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How to Achieve Quick, Lasting Weight Loss



Hypoxi is a specific kind of lightweight training program made to eliminate stubborn fat in particular parts of the body. It involves some high-tech machines, a suite made o neoprene and a combination of vacuum pressure and low-intensity exercise. Generally, it is safe for all with any fitness level. Most especially, it is created for people who are doing everything they can to stay fit and healthy, but just couldn't get rid of the fat in some select areas. For women, for instance, these stubborn areas usually include the lower abdomen, thighs and muffin top. Sometimes, no matter how healthy they eat or how hard they train at the gym, these sections almost feel resistant to shrinkage. After all the effort and perseverance, it's simply unfair that these areas should persist.


This is where  Hypoxi technology becomes very helpful. It will only touch the problem spots and not other areas like the breasts (where the fat often drops first in most cases). The only parts that will be affected are those that you want to shrink as well as tone. Results can be visible in just a matter of four weeks. Weight Loss Chatswood can be rather difficult to explain verbally though, so for anyone considering to get the treatment, it's good to go to an actual studio and get a feel of how things work.


In a nutshell, the Hypoxi machines work by stimulating blood circulation in the intended areas with the use of low and high pressure vacuum technology. While the machines are working, the person will be instructed to do low-impact exercises such as walking on a treadmill or cycling, making sure he stays in the fat-burning zone and not cardio. To know more about weight loss, visit


For thirty minutes of working out and the following hours, the body remains in fat-burning mode. And as circulation is increased in those problematic areas, the fat there will be burned the most. You will also be instructed that you must not consume carbohydrate-rich foods 4-6 hours after treatment and for a very good reason - if you do, the carbs will be burned, not the fats. It is very important that these instructions are followed to the letter, or the treatment may never work at all. It will then become a waste of hopes and money. A chicken salad sounds like a great option, and no alcohol whatsoever. It's always worth repeating that all instructions must be followed.


Studies indicate that some 45 percent of men and 80 percent of women are unhappy with how their bodies look. And usually, this is because of inability to lose excess fat around the hips, thighs and butts, even when they are generally living a healthy lifestyle. With Hypoxi Chatswood, this is no longer a problem.

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